The interpretation of sleeping shoes, black, white, brownish

Sleeping shoes

Manuchehr Motie says that the interpretation of sleeping shoes is for men, woman and wife, and for women, seeing shoes in the dream of a marriage that husband is the most important part. If you are married and see a dream of a shoe, this dream will come back to your wife.

Imam Ja'far Sadegh sees the shoes in the dream due to seven things.

1-Woman 2- Servant 3- Kennish 4- Malfunity 5. Dehivanity 6- Strength and Strength 7. Travel and Travel

Mohammed bin Syrin refers to seeing a shoe in bed as a woman, and the woman's state of mind refers to how she sees sleep shoes.

If a woman wakes up in a dream wearing men's shoes, the interpretation of this dream is that she is a cousin. Also, the girl's dream tells me that she is a cousin.
The interpretation of sleeping tight shoes

Manouchehr Motie says that if a married man sees a dream that his foot is shaking, the interpretation of this dream is that he is having trouble with his wife in his life.
Sleepy shoe interpretation

Manouchehr Motie believes that if a man sees that his shoes have shrunk to him and can not wear them, he will soon be asked by his wife that he can not satisfy his wife.
Sleep breaking shoe interpretation

Manouchehr Motie believes that if a man sees that his shoes are holes and tears, the interpretation of this dream is that his wife betrays him.

If a woman sees that her shoes are torn, the dream is that her husband is unemployed.
Wear sleeping shoes

Prophet Joseph says that if a man wakes up in his sleep wearing his shoes, the interpretation of this dream is that he will marry and, if he has his shoes, the interpretation of this dream is divorce and separation from his wife.

New shoes

Manouchehr Motie says that if the viewer is single and sees that he has a new and new shoe on foot, this is the dream of marriage.

Mohammed bin Syrin also interprets the new shoes in the dream as a woman and wants to buy it.

Lingerie shoes

 Wearing shoes for lingerie to lingerie for male separation and divorce from wife.

If you dreamed that you were walking, and one of your shoes came from your foot, the interpretation of this dream is that you are separated from your brother or sister.

Types of shoes

Seeing the green shoes in the dream of marrying a faithful and faithful woman with a veil.

Seeing red shoes in the dream of marrying a happy woman.

The interpretation of black shoes is married to a powerful and wealthy woman.

The interpretation of seeing the yellow shoes is asleep when married to a woman.

Old shoes

If a man wakes up in a dream that his shoes are very old and no longer able to be worn, the interpretation of this dream is that your wife is sick and worried.

Dirty shoes

Seeing the dirty and old shoes means that you are doing your own ignorance with behaviors that others will take with you. Of course, the interpretation of sleeping fear of beetles is also the hostility of others.

Buy shoes

Anlley Beatton says buying new shoes in bed is a good and useful change in life.

Losing shoes

If you dream of seeing your lost shoes, this dream is its separation and divorce.

thanks to : تعبیر خواب کفش


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